
We would love to have you join the Caroline Episcopal Church community!  Please contact the Rev. Nickolas C. Griffith or the Parish Office and they will be happy to help.

Here is some general information about membership in the Church.

According to the Diocese and Episcopal Church as a whole, membership has two main categories, Members in Good Standing and Attendees. In order to be considered a Member in Good Standing, you must either Pledge (see more here) or give to the church at least three times in a year.  You must also attend church at least three times a year.  An Attendee is someone that attends church on a regular basis but may not be “known to the treasurer”.  Adult Members in Good Standing (16 years of age and older) may vote for Vestry (the ruling body of the congregation), run for the Vestry, and represent the congregation in the Diocese.

We hope this answers some of your questions and we encourage you to be in touch.
Everyone from all backgrounds and walks of life are welcome at Caroline Church!


Lay Eucharistic Ministers & Youth Acolytes