Lay Eucharistic Ministers & Youth Acolytes

Lay Eucharistic Ministers:

Lay person licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the eucharist. Lay eucharistic ministers may be licensed to administer the consecrated bread and wine at any celebration of the eucharist in the absence of a sufficient number of priests and deacons to assist the celebrant. They may also be licensed to go from a Sunday eucharist or other principal celebrations of the eucharist to share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present at the celebration because of illness or infirmity. Lay eucharistic ministers may be licensed for either or both ministries. This ministry is understood to be an extraordinary ministry, and is not to take the place of the ministry of priests and deacons concerning the administration of the eucharist. Prior to the current lay ministry canons, specially licensed lay readers administered the chalice at the eucharist and were known as “chalice bearers.” If you are interested in becoming a licensed Lay Eucharistic Minister at Caroline Church, please speak with Fr. Nick or Fr. Elliot, or contact the Parish Office.


Youth Acolytes:

 Typically following the completion of Confirmation and/or First Holy Communion, youth members of the church are personally invited to serve as the altar as Acolytes.  Service at the altar is a sacred responsibility, and candidates are chosen for their spiritual maturity and their willingness to serve. To prepare, acolytes will need to participate in training.  Training will take place prior to their first scheduled service.  During this time, they will walk through the service with a priest, allowing an opportunity for practice and questions.  Parents are welcome to attend the training session.  After they have practiced serving at the altar, they will be fitted with their robe and then they will participate in a Sunday service of Holy Eucharist. 




Sunday School & Children’s Chapel