Holy Baptism
“Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble” -BCP 293
When we gather to bring a person into the Body of Christ, our community enthusiastically declares support for that person. In the case of a young child that means access to a vibrant and well-taught Sunday School program. In an adult’s case, it will mean preparation for the sacrament by the pastor in advance. Because Baptism is initiation into the larger Christian community, it takes place during our public service of the Eucharist.
Like citizenship, initiation to this larger community brings benefits and expectations. The benefits are, a loving and supporting community of faith which takes its responsibility to the newly Baptized seriously by offering education and support. The expectation is that the parents and Godparents of Baptized children “will take responsibility for seeing that the child [they] present is brought up in the Christian faith” BCP 302. This (of course) includes regular attendance at Church.
If you are interested in having a child Baptized or in being Baptized yourself, please call the church office or use the Contact Form on the website to let us know of your interest. Preparation for Baptism can be arranged for any adult who wishes it. Since we consider the bond of a Trinitarian Baptism indissoluble, those who wish to join the Episcopal Church from another Trinitarian tradition are not rebaptized but can be received into the Church. Preparation is available for this as well.