First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Reception

First Holy Communion (for Youth):

First Holy Communion is an exciting time when we as a community walk with one another in love to better understand the reception of the Holy Eucharist; a family meal, and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet.

Those who are interested in received their First Holy Communion are required to participate in twelve classes in preparation, which typically take place during the Spring and Fall semesters.  Classes will be conversational and joy-filled, following a curriculum designed specifically for students their age.  Together they will learn about the Church, each other and their relationship with Jesus Christ. If you should decide to proceed with First Holy Communion classes, we welcome you into the opportunity.  Please reach out to the Parish Office to express your interest.

Youth Confirmation:

Youth candidates for confirmation are those who express a mature commitment to Jesus Christ, and those who receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by the Bishop.  Further, confirmands are those who were baptized and who desire to make a mature public affirmation of their faith, by recommitting themselves to the responsibilities of their baptism.

 For preparation of candidacy at Caroline Episcopal Church, the youth will be asked to participate in twelve one-hour classes, which typically take place during the Spring and Fall semesters.  Their willful participation in these classes will aid in the development of their covenant with God and the Church, giving strength and purpose to their affirmation.

 Each confirmation class is conducted with the assistance of Caroline Church lay members and volunteers.  The curriculum has been designed to be conversational in nature, with joy and shared commonality at the heart of our time together. 

 If you should decide to proceed with confirmation classes, we welcome you into the opportunity.  Please reach out to the Parish Office to express your interest.

Adult Confirmation / Reception:

Often, when an adult chooses to become an Episcopalian, they are either confirmed or received into the Church by the Bishop.  This process involves a short time of preparation.  Topics like Church History, the Book of Common Prayer, Sacraments, and Church Polity are all reviewed at this time.   If the person is entering the Church from another faith tradition, Scripture and Theological principles may also be added to the discussions.  It is not uncommon when the Bishop visits for adults to put themselves forward for Confirmation along with the young adults. Confirmation preparation is also available to those who wish to renew their earlier Confirmation vows and to have a Bishop bless them. Preparation Sessions run between four to six meetings and can be arranged on weekends or Friday evenings depending on the convenience of the group. Please contact the Parish Office or use the Contact Form on the website to let us know of your interest.


Holy Baptism


Holy Matrimony