Ushers, Lectors & Greeters

The Usher is ordinarily the first person you will come in contact with as you enter Caroline Episcopal Church for services. They are also “Greeters” whose first impressions on a parishioner or visitor can have a lasting impact on whether the Caroline Episcopal Church is a welcoming place.  The Ushers assist parishioners to their seats, help elderly or disabled parishioners to the communion rail, and are there for any emergencies that may arise. The Readers, or Lectors as they are also called, read lessons from the Bible at each service, and the Prayers of the People. Many Ushers fulfill dual roles as Readers. Ordinarily there is an Usher and a Reader assigned to each service.  

All parishioners are welcome to volunteer to be Ushers and Readers.  The training of Ushers and Readers is done on an individual basis. New volunteers are assigned to a service with an experienced Usher or Reader.  We are grateful for the outstanding service the Ushers and Readers provide in the church and to the Lord at each service.


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