Bible Study
In our Baptismal Covenant, we promise to “continue in the apostles’ teaching,” but how do we do this? Through the study of Scripture.
Reading and praying with the Bible alone can be sustaining and important. But as we know, Jesus promised “when two or three are gathered together in my name, I will be in their midst.” (Mt.18:20)
Therefore, we offer several opportunities for bible study at Caroline Church. We review various books of the Bible together, learning both from what we hear and from those things we may read in preparation.
We welcome all to participate, wherever you are on your faith journey! We offer the following dates / times; each bible study has its own unique structure and content, so we encourage you to participate in one, more, or all of the below.
· Weekly on Fridays, 12:45pm, via Zoom
This bible study returns on September 6th, 2024. To join the group and receive the Zoom link, please reach out to the Parish Office via our Contact Us page.