Music & Choir

The senior choir has a long history of providing leadership in worship by hearty singing of the congregational hymns, the liturgical responses and anthems appropriate to the season and lectionary.  Blessed by skilled artists such as our current organist/choir director, Nadine E. Goodrich, the choir rehearses on Thursday evenings for the 9:30 Sunday morning services.  We are worshipers like everyone else in the pews at Caroline Church.  As is true of most other church choirs, we are also volunteers and “amateurs” in the best sense of that word: We love to sing, especially as an ensemble and as St. Paul urged the Ephesian believers, joining with “one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19).

We anticipate eagerly the opportunity as choristers to be joyful musical witnesses to the glory and praise of God.  We will also welcome new members of the choir.

Nadine E. Goodrich, Music Director


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Historical & Cultural Artifacts Commission